Winter-Worthy Workouts
According to Mountain Fitness School founder Sean Sewell:
- Stretching and warming up are a must for mobility, recovery and most importantly, to maximize all exercises. Using foam rollers or a lacrosse ball and yoga and massage are all recommended.
- Kettlebell Swing is the best bang-for-your-buck exercise for glutes, core, calorie-burning and endurance. If this is too advanced, a deadlift can replicate many of the same benefits.
- Squat for healthy knees, strong quads and core, and better motor control. Try the goblet squat, offset squat, double kettlebell squat or body squat, or whatever else might be more comfortable.
- Lunging is a good starting exercise; step-back, front and side lunges are three options. Add weight when proficient with a kettlebell, dumbbell or even a backpack.
- Press for upper body strength and a strong core; pushup,
Start off with a TRX or a high box for pushups to reinforce good form. Once proficient, progress to floor pushups. chest press, overhead press. Start off with a TRX or a high box for pushups to reinforce good form. Once proficient, progress to floor pushups.
- Core exercises are for quicker results, safety and reinforcement for the back. Try planks and hollow holds.
According to physical therapist Linda Scholl, the following are recommended for three days a week for six to eight weeks to build strength and skill without overtraining. Repeat each exercise with a 15-second rest.
- Hamstrings focus: dumbbell dead lifts standing on one or both legs (three repetitions, 10 each side)
- Squats: body weight squat (10, three repetitions progressing to 10, three repetitions each leg)
Tip: Technique matters. Squat with good form: knees over your ankles in both the frontal and sagittal plane (knees in line with your first and second toe and never in front of the toes throughout the entire squat).
Buttocks/Lateral Motion: speed skater hops (three repetitions of 20 seconds each from side-to-side)
- Core focus: plank/side plank (three repetitions of 30 seconds each)
Check with a physician before beginning an exercise regimen.