Bringing Bliss to Every Room
by Maya Whitman
Sacred space is most oft en associated with places of worship, but it can be any place that connects us to meaning or joy. In the blur of daily living, nooks of inspiration and beauty provide spiritual sustenance, remind us of our dreams or celebrate lovely memories. Having “bliss corners” in the home or workplace is a wonderful way to stay connected to the positive.
Most parents or grandparents can confess to having a bliss corner on the refrigerator door where drawings and accomplishments of young family members are proudly displayed. Having a place of inspiration in any room doesn’t have to take up much space and can easily add to the décor. It can be as simple as a wedding veil hanging on a bedroom wall or a bowl of shells, sea glass or sand from a beach vacation in the bathroom. It can be sentimental with dried flowers from a momentous occasion or a small table dedicated to loved ones with framed photos or letters and a piece of cloth that holds special memories.
Corners of bliss fulfil their purpose best in places where they can remind us to follow our heart’s “true north” or help us to foster inner peace during busy days. Such places are office desks and bedroom nightstands near an alarm clock. The kitchen is an ideal room in the house for sacred space; designating a corner to light a candle during meal prep; filling an old teapot with fresh flowers every week; and displaying the photo of someone who once nourished us are all beautiful ways to bring more meaning into our relationship with food.
Cultivating bliss can be a form of active meditation, simple rituals that can include prayer or other forms of mindfulness. On more practical levels, it can be an opportunity to bond with loved ones. Creating a bliss corner can be a creative and fun activity for teens to express a passion, whether it be a hobby, sport or favourite singer. Many of us have boxes of mementos or nostalgic things from childhood taking up space in a closet. Making a bliss corner is the perfect way to remind us why we kept them in the first place.
Maya Whitman writes about natural health and living a more beautiful life. Connect at